-- ach zumindest das weiss ich jetzt - ich weiss, woran es lag, dass std_logic nicht akzeptiert wurde, ich kann es erkl"aren. Es sind ja viele entities drin - ich dachte es sei wie in C, dass man oben ein Include hat stattdessen muss man -- library ieee; -- use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; -- vor jedes Entity ein Mal reinschreiben library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity meinautomat0028ausgangschaltnetz is port ( a, b: in std_logic; x: in std_logic; y0, y1, y2: out std_logic ); end; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity meinautomat0028uebergangsschaltnetz is port ( a, b: in std_logic; aout, bout: out std_logic; x: in std_logic ); end; architecture verhalten of meinautomat0028ausgangschaltnetz is begin y0 <= b; y1 <= a; y2 <= (not b and not a) or (b and a); end; architecture verhalten of meinautomat0028uebergangsschaltnetz is begin bout <= b xor a; aout <= not a; end; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity meinautomat0028rslatch is port ( q: out std_logic; r, s: in std_logic ); end; architecture verhalten of meinautomat0028rslatch is signal q1, q2 : std_logic; begin q1 <= (s nor q2); q2 <= (r nor q1); q <= q1; end; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity meinautomat0028dlatch is port ( q: out std_logic; d, c: in std_logic ); end; architecture verhalten of meinautomat0028dlatch is signal r, s, r1, s1, q1, q2 : std_logic; begin s <= d; r <= not d; r1 <= r and c; s1 <= s and c; q1 <= not (r1 or q2); q2 <= not (s1 or q1); q <= q1; end; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity meinautomat0028dmasterslaveflipflop is port ( q: out std_logic; d, c: in std_logic ); end; architecture verhalten of meinautomat0028dmasterslaveflipflop is component meinautomat0028dlatch is port ( q: out std_logic; d, c: in std_logic ); end component; signal c1, c2: std_logic; signal d1: std_logic; begin master: meinautomat0028dlatch PORT MAP (q=>d1, d=>d, c=>c1); slave: meinautomat0028dlatch PORT MAP (q=>q, d=>d1, c=>c2); c1 <= c; c2 <= not c; end; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity meinautomat0028schaltwerk is port ( c: in std_logic; x: in std_logic; y0, y1, y2: out std_logic ); end; architecture verhalten of meinautomat0028schaltwerk is component meinautomat0028dmasterslaveflipflop port ( d, c: in std_logic; q: out std_logic ); end component; component meinautomat0028ausgangschaltnetz port ( a, b: inout std_logic; x: in std_logic; y0, y1, y2: out std_logic ); end component; component meinautomat0028uebergangsschaltnetz port ( aout, bout: out std_logic; a, b: in std_logic; x: in std_logic ); end component; signal v1, v2 : std_logic; signal w1, w2 : std_logic; signal p1, p2 : std_logic; begin state1: meinautomat0028dmasterslaveflipflop PORT MAP (d=>w1, c=>c, q=>v1); state2: meinautomat0028dmasterslaveflipflop PORT MAP (d=>w2, c=>c, q=>v2); ausgang: meinautomat0028ausgangschaltnetz PORT MAP (b=>v1, a=>v2, x=>x, y0=>y0, y1=>y1, y2=>y2); uebergang: meinautomat0028uebergangsschaltnetz PORT MAP (b=>v1, a=>v2, bout=>w1, aout=>w2,x=>x); end; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity testbench is port ( c: inout std_logic; x: inout std_logic; y0, y1, y2: out std_logic ); end; architecture verhalten of testbench is component meinautomat0028schaltwerk port ( c: in std_logic; x: in std_logic; y0, y1, y2: out std_logic ); end component; begin schaltwerk: meinautomat0028schaltwerk PORT MAP (c=>c, x=>x, y0=>y0, y1=>y1, y2=>y2); c <= '1' after 1 ns, '0' after 2 ns, '1' after 3 ns, '0' after 4 ns,'1' after 5 ns, '0' after 6 ns,'1' after 7 ns, '0' after 8 ns,'1' after 9 ns, '0' after 10 ns, '1' after 11 ns, '0' after 12 ns,'1' after 13 ns, '0' after 14 ns,'1' after 15 ns, '0' after 16 ns; end;