Re: Aufgaben und Übungen,

Ich gebe dem Programm jetzt den letzten Schliff - zunächst werden Verbindungen gemacht an das Ende jeder Verzweigung - die Frage ist nur wohin? das ist ganz einfach. die eine führt ins Nichts oder an eine Verzweigung davor - die andere führt - vor die Verzweigung. Ich habe die Verzweigungen auf einem Stapel gespeichert, das ist kein Problem. Auf jeden Fall führt die letzte Verzweigung ins Nichts. Aber der letzte Zustand führt bei einer Verzweigung auf den Anfang der Entscheidung

Image main10.jpeg-1

Das sieht jetzt schon viel besser aus, ich habe auch Zustandsnamen hin zu gefügt - also


Nur stehen die gerade alle bei


Das ändere ich, danach kommt der letzte Schliff mit den Verbindungen zu den Entscheidungsboxen.

Ich gebe dem Programm jetzt den letzten Schliff - zunächst werden Verbindungen gemacht an das Ende jeder Verzweigung - die Frage ist nur wohin? das ist ganz einfach. die eine führt ins Nichts oder an eine Verzweigung davor - die andere führt - vor die Verzweigung. Ich habe die Verzweigungen auf einem Stapel gespeichert, das ist kein Problem. Auf jeden Fall führt die letzte Verzweigung ins Nichts. Aber der letzte Zustand führt bei einer Verzweigung auf den Anfang der Entscheidung

Image main10.jpeg-1

Das sieht jetzt schon viel besser aus, ich habe auch Zustandsnamen hin zu gefügt - also


Nur stehen die gerade alle bei


Das ändere ich, danach kommt der letzte Schliff mit den Verbindungen zu den Entscheidungsboxen.

Image main11.jpeg-2

Dies und viele weitere, das passt

Hier sind die erzeugten Code - in einer gewissen chronologie - am Anfang sind sie nicht richtig, am Ende schon.

    >=triangle 60,              % Aussehen der Pfeile
    start chain=going below,    % Richtung von oben nach unten
    node distance=6mm and 60mm, % Abst"ande der Boxen
    every join/.style={norm},
    tikzset{% Boxen und Koordinaten
  base/.style={draw, on chain, on grid, align=center, minimum height=4ex},
  zbox/.style={base, rectangle, text width=8em},
  ebox/.style={base, diamond, aspect=1.5, text width=4em},
  term/.style={zbox, rounded corners},
  norm/.style={->, draw},
  coord/.style={coordinate, on chain, on grid, node distance=6mm and 25mm}}

% Zustand 0, Box und Zustandsname
node [zbox, join] (z0) {verb" d  <-  89  +  9 "};
node [ebox, yshift=-4em] (z1) { verb"  85  <  88 "};
node [zbox, join] (z2) {verb" c  <-  112  \&amp;\&amp;  88 "};
node [zbox, join] (z3) {verb" b  <-  b  +  d "};
node [zbox, join] (z4) {verb" b  <-  b  ||  86 "};
node [zbox, join] (z5) {verb" a  <-  a "};


    >=triangle 60,              % Aussehen der Pfeile
    start chain=going below,    % Richtung von oben nach unten
    node distance=6mm and 60mm, % Abst"ande der Boxen
    every join/.style={norm},
    tikzset{% Boxen und Koordinaten
  base/.style={draw, on chain, on grid, align=center, minimum height=4ex},
  zbox/.style={base, rectangle, text width=8em},
  ebox/.style={base, diamond, aspect=1.5, text width=4em},
  term/.style={zbox, rounded corners},
  norm/.style={->, draw},
  coord/.style={coordinate, on chain, on grid, node distance=6mm and 25mm}}

% Zustand 0, Box und Zustandsname
 node [zbox] (z0) {Zuweisungen in \$Z_0\$};
 node [above=0mm of z0, text width=8em] {\$Z_0\$};

% Zustand 1, Box und Zustandsname
 node [zbox, join] (z1) {Zuweisungen in \$Z_0\$};
 node [above=0mm of z1, text width=8em] {\$Z_1\$};

% Entscheidungsbox
 node [ebox, join] (e1) {Ent-\scheidungs- box};

% Zustand 2, Box und Zustandsname
 node [term, below=of e1.west, yshift=-4em] (z2) {bedingte Ausgangsbox};
 node [above=0mm of z2, text width=8em]{};

% JA - Pfad aus der E-Box zu Z2
 path (e1.west) to node [near start, xshift=-1em] {\$1\$} (z2);
  draw [->] (e1.west) -- (z2);

% Zustand 3, Box und Zustandsname
 node [zbox, right =of z0] (z3) {Zuweisungen in \$Z_3\$};
 node [above=0mm of z3, text width=8em] {\$Z_3\$};

% NEIN- Pfad aus der E-Box zu Z3
path (e1.east) to node [very near start] {\$0\$} (z3);
node[coord, right = of e1, xshift=1em] (coord1) {};
%fill (coord1) circle (2pt);
node[coord, above = of z3, yshift=2em] (coord2) {};
%fill (coord2) circle (2pt) {};
draw[->] (e1.east) -- (coord1) |- (coord2) -- (z3.north);


    >=triangle 60,              % Aussehen der Pfeile
    start chain=going below,    % Richtung von oben nach unten
    node distance=6mm and 60mm, % Abst"ande der Boxen
    every join/.style={norm},
    tikzset{% Boxen und Koordinaten
  base/.style={draw, on chain, on grid, align=center, minimum height=4ex},
  zbox/.style={base, rectangle, text width=8em},
  ebox/.style={base, diamond, aspect=1.5, text width=10em},
  term/.style={zbox, rounded corners},
  norm/.style={->, draw},
  coord/.style={coordinate, on chain, on grid, node distance=6mm and 25mm}}

% Zustand 0, Box und Zustandsname
node [zbox] (z1) {verb" a  <-  118 "};
node [zbox] (z2) {verb" a  <-  a "};
node [ebox] (z3) {verb" a  !=  90 "};
node [zbox, below=of z3.west, yshift=-4em] (z4) {verb" b  <-  c  >>  c "};
node [zbox, below=of z3.east, yshift=-4em] (z5) {verb" b  <-  15  \&amp;\&amp;  40 "};
node [zbox] (z6) {verb" a  <-  b "};
node [zbox] (z7) {verb" b  <-  34 "};
node [zbox] (z8) {verb" a  <-  a  <<  60 "};
node [ebox] (z9) {verb" b  !=  d "};
node [zbox, below=of z9.west, yshift=-4em] (z10) {verb" d  <-  3  \&amp;\&amp;  b "};
node [ebox] (z11) {verb" 66  >=  a "};
node [ebox, below=of z11.west, yshift=-4em] (z12) {verb" d  !=  c "};
node [zbox, below=of z12.east, yshift=-4em] (z13) {verb" c  <-  8 "};
node [zbox] (z14) {verb" b  <-  b  ||  46 "};
node [zbox] (z15) {verb" a  <-  a "};
node [ebox] (z16) {verb" 84  !=  a "};
node [zbox, below=of z16.east, yshift=-4em] (z17) {verb" d  <-  18 "};
node [zbox, below=of z9.east, yshift=-4em] (z11) {verb" b  <-  82 "};


    >=triangle 60,              % Aussehen der Pfeile
    start chain=going below,    % Richtung von oben nach unten
    node distance=6mm and 60mm, % Abst"ande der Boxen
    every join/.style={norm},
    tikzset{% Boxen und Koordinaten
  base/.style={draw, on chain, on grid, align=center, minimum height=4ex},
  zbox/.style={base, rectangle, text width=8em},
  ebox/.style={base, diamond, aspect=1.5, text width=10em},
  term/.style={zbox, rounded corners},
  norm/.style={->, draw},
  coord/.style={coordinate, on chain, on grid, node distance=6mm and 25mm}}

% Zustand 0, Box und Zustandsname
node [zbox] (z1) {verb" a  <-  0  >>  a "};
node [zbox] (z2) {verb" c  <-  a  +  120 "};
node [zbox] (z3) {verb" b  <-  110 "};
node [ebox] (z4) {verb" 17  >=  28 "};
node [zbox, below=of z4.west, yshift=-4em] (z5) {verb" c  <-  a "};
node [zbox] (z6) {verb" d  <-  117 "};
node [zbox, below=of z4.east, yshift=-4em] (z7) {verb" a  <-  d  -  126 "};
node [zbox] (z8) {verb" d  <-  c "};
node [zbox] (z9) {verb" d  <-  b  -  113 "};
node [zbox] (z10) {verb" a  <-  b "};
node [ebox] (z11) {verb" 92  <=  124 "};
node [zbox, below=of z11.west, yshift=-4em] (z12) {verb" a  <-  1 "};
node [zbox] (z13) {verb" d  <-  104 "};
node [zbox, below=of z11.east, yshift=-4em] (z14) {verb" d  <-  74  >>  59 "};
node [zbox] (z15) {verb" a  <-  d "};
node [zbox] (z16) {verb" d  <-  c  +  b "};


    >=triangle 60,              % Aussehen der Pfeile
    start chain=going below,    % Richtung von oben nach unten
    node distance=6mm and 60mm, % Abst"ande der Boxen
    every join/.style={norm},
    tikzset{% Boxen und Koordinaten
  base/.style={draw, on chain, on grid, align=center, minimum height=4ex},
  zbox/.style={base, rectangle, text width=8em},
  ebox/.style={base, diamond, aspect=1.5, text width=10em},
  term/.style={zbox, rounded corners},
  norm/.style={->, draw},
  coord/.style={coordinate, on chain, on grid, node distance=6mm and 25mm}}

% Zustand 0, Box und Zustandsname
node [zbox] (z1) {verb"R0 <- 10"};
draw [->] (z0) -- (z1);

node [zbox] (z2) {verb"R1 <- R0 or R-1"};
draw [->] (z1) -- (z2);

node [zbox] (z3) {verb"R2 <- R1 not R-1"};
draw [->] (z2) -- (z3);

node [zbox] (z4) {verb"R3 <- R2 + 29"};
draw [->] (z3) -- (z4);

node [zbox] (z5) {verb"R4 <- R3 or 24"};
draw [->] (z4) -- (z5);

node [ebox] (z6) {verb"R5 <= 4"};
draw [->] (z5) -- (z6);

node [zbox, below=of z6.west, yshift=-4em] (z7) {verb"R6 <- R5 not 7"};
draw [->] (z6.west) -- (z7);

node [zbox] (z8) {verb"R7 <- R6 and R-1"};
draw [->] (z7) -- (z8);

node [zbox, below=of z6.east, yshift=-4em] (z8) {verb"R8 <- R7 <| R4"};
draw [->] (z6.east) -- (z8);

node [zbox] (z9) {verb"R9 <- R8 >> 20"};
draw [->] (z8) -- (z9);


    >=triangle 60,              % Aussehen der Pfeile
    start chain=going below,    % Richtung von oben nach unten
    node distance=6mm and 60mm, % Abst"ande der Boxen
    every join/.style={norm},
    tikzset{% Boxen und Koordinaten
  base/.style={draw, on chain, on grid, align=center, minimum height=4ex},
  zbox/.style={base, rectangle, text width=8em},
  ebox/.style={base, diamond, aspect=1.5, text width=10em},
  term/.style={zbox, rounded corners},
  norm/.style={->, draw},
  coord/.style={coordinate, on chain, on grid, node distance=6mm and 25mm}}

% Zustand 0, Box und Zustandsname
node [zbox] (z1) {verb"R0 <- 22"};

node [ebox] (z2) {verb"R0 < 16"};
draw [->] (z1) -- (z2);

node [zbox, below=of z2.east, yshift=-4em] (z3) {verb"R1 <- R0 |> R-1"};
draw [->] (z2.east) -- (z3);

node [ebox] (z4) {verb"R2 <= 1"};
draw [->] (z3) -- (z4);

node [ebox, below=of z4.west, yshift=-4em] (z5) {verb"R2 != 23"};
draw [->] (z4.west) -- (z5);

node [ebox, below=of z5.west, yshift=-4em] (z6) {verb"R3 >= 2"};
draw [->] (z5.west) -- (z6);

node [ebox, below=of z6.east, yshift=-4em] (z7) {verb"R4 < 3"};
draw [->] (z6.east) -- (z7);

node [zbox, below=of z7.east, yshift=-4em] (z8) {verb"R5 <- R4 or R0"};
draw [->] (z7.east) -- (z8);

node [zbox] (z9) {verb"R6 <- R5 --"};
draw [->] (z8) -- (z9);

node [ebox] (z10) {verb"R6 != 18"};
draw [->] (z9) -- (z10);

node [ebox, below=of z10.east, yshift=-4em] (z11) {verb"R7 > 6"};
draw [->] (z10.east) -- (z11);

node [zbox, below=of z11.east, yshift=-4em] (z12) {verb"R8 <- R7 + R0"};
draw [->] (z11.east) -- (z12);


    >=triangle 60,              % Aussehen der Pfeile
    start chain=going below,    % Richtung von oben nach unten
    node distance=6mm and 60mm, % Abst"ande der Boxen
    every join/.style={norm},
    tikzset{% Boxen und Koordinaten
  base/.style={draw, on chain, on grid, align=center, minimum height=4ex},
  zbox/.style={base, rectangle, text width=8em},
  ebox/.style={base, diamond, aspect=1.5, text width=10em},
  term/.style={zbox, rounded corners},
  norm/.style={->, draw},
  coord/.style={coordinate, on chain, on grid, node distance=6mm and 25mm}}

% Zustand 0, Box und Zustandsname

node [zbox] (z1) {verb"R0 <- 23"};
node [above=0mm of z1, text width=8em] {\$Z_1\$};
node [zbox] (z2) {verb"R1 <- R0 - 20"};
node [above=0mm of z2, text width=8em] {\$Z_1\$};
draw [->] (z1) -- (z2);

node [zbox] (z3) {verb"R2 <- R1 - R0"};
node [above=0mm of z3, text width=8em] {\$Z_1\$};
draw [->] (z2) -- (z3);

node [zbox] (z4) {verb"R3 <- R2 ++"};
node [above=0mm of z4, text width=8em] {\$Z_1\$};
draw [->] (z3) -- (z4);

node [zbox] (z5) {verb"R4 <- R3 |> R0"};
node [above=0mm of z5, text width=8em] {\$Z_1\$};
draw [->] (z4) -- (z5);

node [ebox] (z6) {verb"R4 != 6"};
node [above=0mm of z6, text width=8em] {\$Z_1\$};
draw [->] (z5) -- (z6);

node [zbox, below=of z6.west, yshift=-4em] (z7) {verb"R5 <- R4 <| R0"};
node [above=0mm of z7, text width=8em] {\$Z_1\$};
draw [->] (z6.west) -- (z7);

node [zbox] (z8) {verb"R6 <- R5 --"};
node [above=0mm of z8, text width=8em] {\$Z_1\$};
draw [->] (z7) -- (z8);

node [zbox, below=of z6.east, yshift=-4em] (z8) {verb"R7 <- R6 not 28"};
node [above=0mm of z8, text width=8em] {\$Z_1\$};
draw [->] (z6.east) -- (z8);


    >=triangle 60,              % Aussehen der Pfeile
    start chain=going below,    % Richtung von oben nach unten
    node distance=6mm and 60mm, % Abst"ande der Boxen
    every join/.style={norm},
    tikzset{% Boxen und Koordinaten
  base/.style={draw, on chain, on grid, align=center, minimum height=4ex},
  zbox/.style={base, rectangle, text width=8em},
  ebox/.style={base, diamond, aspect=1.5, text width=10em},
  term/.style={zbox, rounded corners},
  norm/.style={->, draw},
  coord/.style={coordinate, on chain, on grid, node distance=6mm and 25mm}}

% Zustand 0, Box und Zustandsname

node [zbox] (z1) {verb"R0 <- 20"};
node [above=0mm of z1, text width=8em] {\$Z_1\$};
node [ebox] (z2) {verb"R0 != 19"};
node [above=0mm of z2, text width=8em] {\$Z_1\$};
draw [->] (z1) -- (z2);

node [zbox, below=of z2.west, yshift=-4em] (z3) {verb"R1 <- R0 - 20"};
node [above=0mm of z3, text width=8em] {\$Z_1\$};
draw [->] (z2.west) -- (z3);

node [zbox] (z4) {verb"R2 <- R1 << 1"};
node [above=0mm of z4, text width=8em] {\$Z_1\$};
draw [->] (z3) -- (z4);

node [zbox] (z5) {verb"R3 <- R2 ++"};
node [above=0mm of z5, text width=8em] {\$Z_1\$};
draw [->] (z4) -- (z5);

node [ebox] (z6) {verb"R3 == 18"};
node [above=0mm of z6, text width=8em] {\$Z_1\$};
draw [->] (z5) -- (z6);

node [zbox, below=of z6.east, yshift=-4em] (z7) {verb"R4 <- R3 >> 26"};
node [above=0mm of z7, text width=8em] {\$Z_1\$};
draw [->] (z6.east) -- (z7);

node [zbox] (z8) {verb"R5 <- R4 xor R3"};
node [above=0mm of z8, text width=8em] {\$Z_1\$};
draw [->] (z7) -- (z8);

node [zbox] (z9) {verb"R6 <- R5 - 28"};
node [above=0mm of z9, text width=8em] {\$Z_1\$};
draw [->] (z8) -- (z9);

node [zbox] (z10) {verb"R7 <- R6 ++"};
node [above=0mm of z10, text width=8em] {\$Z_1\$};
draw [->] (z9) -- (z10);


    >=triangle 60,              % Aussehen der Pfeile
    start chain=going below,    % Richtung von oben nach unten
    node distance=6mm and 60mm, % Abst"ande der Boxen
    every join/.style={norm},
    tikzset{% Boxen und Koordinaten
  base/.style={draw, on chain, on grid, align=center, minimum height=4ex},
  zbox/.style={base, rectangle, text width=8em},
  ebox/.style={base, diamond, aspect=1.5, text width=10em},
  term/.style={zbox, rounded corners},
  norm/.style={->, draw},
  coord/.style={coordinate, on chain, on grid, node distance=6mm and 25mm}}

% Zustand 0, Box und Zustandsname

node [zbox] (z1) {verb"R0 <- 30"};
node [above=0mm of z1, text width=8em] {\$Z_1\$};
node [zbox] (z2) {verb"R1 <- R0 and R0"};
node [above=0mm of z2, text width=8em] {\$Z_2\$};
draw [->] (z1) -- (z2);

node [zbox] (z3) {verb"R2 <- R1 <| R0"};
node [above=0mm of z3, text width=8em] {\$Z_3\$};
draw [->] (z2) -- (z3);

node [zbox] (z4) {verb"R3 <- R2 or 31"};
node [above=0mm of z4, text width=8em] {\$Z_4\$};
draw [->] (z3) -- (z4);

node [zbox] (z5) {verb"R4 <- R3 and 27"};
node [above=0mm of z5, text width=8em] {\$Z_5\$};
draw [->] (z4) -- (z5);

node [zbox] (z6) {verb"R5 <- R4 << R1"};
node [above=0mm of z6, text width=8em] {\$Z_6\$};
draw [->] (z5) -- (z6);

node [zbox] (z7) {verb"R6 <- R5 --"};
node [above=0mm of z7, text width=8em] {\$Z_7\$};
draw [->] (z6) -- (z7);

node [zbox] (z8) {verb"R7 <- R6 + R0"};
node [above=0mm of z8, text width=8em] {\$Z_8\$};
draw [->] (z7) -- (z8);

node [zbox] (z9) {verb"R8 <- R7 - 1"};
node [above=0mm of z9, text width=8em] {\$Z_9\$};
draw [->] (z8) -- (z9);

node [ebox] (z10) {verb"R8 < 20"};
node [above=0mm of z10, text width=8em] {\$Z_10\$};
draw [->] (z9) -- (z10);

node [zbox, below=of z10.east, yshift=-4em] (z11) {verb"R9 <- R8 <| 30"};
node [above=0mm of z11, text width=8em] {\$Z_11\$};
draw [->] (z10.east) -- (z11);

node [zbox] (z12) {verb"R10 <- R9 and 16"};
node [above=0mm of z12, text width=8em] {\$Z_12\$};
draw [->] (z11) -- (z12);


    >=triangle 60,              % Aussehen der Pfeile
    start chain=going below,    % Richtung von oben nach unten
    node distance=6mm and 60mm, % Abst"ande der Boxen
    every join/.style={norm},
    tikzset{% Boxen und Koordinaten
  base/.style={draw, on chain, on grid, align=center, minimum height=4ex},
  zbox/.style={base, rectangle, text width=8em},
  ebox/.style={base, diamond, aspect=1.5, text width=10em},
  term/.style={zbox, rounded corners},
  norm/.style={->, draw},
  coord/.style={coordinate, on chain, on grid, node distance=6mm and 25mm}}

% Zustand 0, Box und Zustandsname

node [zbox] (z1) {verb"R0 <- 8"};
node [above=0mm of z1, text width=8em] {\$Z_{1}\$};
node [ebox] (z2) {verb"R0 < 15"};
node [above=0mm of z2, text width=8em] {\$Z_{2}\$};
draw [->] (z1) -- (z2);

node [zbox, below=of z2.west, yshift=-4em] (z3) {verb"R1 <- R0 or 19"};
node [above=0mm of z3, text width=8em] {\$Z_{3}\$};
draw [->] (z2.west) -- (z3);

node [zbox] (z4) {verb"R2 <- R1 >> 13"};
node [above=0mm of z4, text width=8em] {\$Z_{4}\$};
draw [->] (z3) -- (z4);

node [zbox] (z5) {verb"R3 <- R2 ++"};
node [above=0mm of z5, text width=8em] {\$Z_{5}\$};
draw [->] (z4) -- (z5);

node [zbox] (z6) {verb"R4 <- R3 --"};
node [above=0mm of z6, text width=8em] {\$Z_{6}\$};
draw [->] (z5) -- (z6);

node [zbox] (z7) {verb"R5 <- R4 ++"};
node [above=0mm of z7, text width=8em] {\$Z_{7}\$};
draw [->] (z6) -- (z7);

node [zbox] (z8) {verb"R6 <- R5 << R4"};
node [above=0mm of z8, text width=8em] {\$Z_{8}\$};
draw [->] (z7) -- (z8);

node [zbox] (z9) {verb"R7 <- R6 not 19"};
node [above=0mm of z9, text width=8em] {\$Z_{9}\$};
draw [->] (z8) -- (z9);

node [ebox] (z10) {verb"R7 < 13"};
node [above=0mm of z10, text width=8em] {\$Z_{10}\$};
draw [->] (z9) -- (z10);

node [zbox, below=of z10.east, yshift=-4em] (z11) {verb"R8 <- R7 ++"};
node [above=0mm of z11, text width=8em] {\$Z_{11}\$};
draw [->] (z10.east) -- (z11);

node [zbox] (z12) {verb"R9 <- R8 <| R4"};
node [above=0mm of z12, text width=8em] {\$Z_{12}\$};
draw [->] (z11) -- (z12);


So, ich schreibe das Programm jetzt fertig. Zunächst mache ich eine sinnvollausgabe. Es wird nicht einfach - eine Datei erzeugt, die eingebunden wird, sondern es wird eine komplette

TeX-Datei erzeugt

Diese wird nicht als Datei gespeichert, sondern als Ausgabe und lässt sich umlenken. Die Überschrift kommt weg.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>

#define NO      0
#define WEST    1
#define EAST    2

#define MAX_NODES                   64
#define STACKS_MAX                  4

char *op_names [] = {"==",

#define OP_CMP_EQ_REG_CONST         0
#define OP_CMP_NE_REG_CONST         1
#define OP_CMP_GR_REG_CONST         2
#define OP_CMP_GE_REG_CONST         3
#define OP_CMP_LT_REG_CONST         4
#define OP_CMP_LE_REG_CONST         5
#define OP_ADD_REG_REG_CONST        6
#define OP_INC_REG_REG_CONST        7
#define OP_SUB_REG_REG_CONST        8
#define OP_DEC_REG_REG_CONST        9
#define OP_SLL_REG_REG_CONST        10
#define OP_SLR_REG_REG_CONST        11
#define OP_RL_REG_REG_CONST       12
#define OP_RR_REG_REG_CONST       13
#define OP_AND_REG_REG_CONST      14
#define OP_NOT_REG_REG_CONST      15
#define OP_OR_REG_REG_CONST       16
#define OP_EXOR_REG_REG_CONST     17
#define OP_ADD_REG_REG_REG        18
#define OP_INC_REG_REG_REG        19
#define OP_SUB_REG_REG_REG        20
#define OP_DEC_REG_REG_REG        21
#define OP_SLL_REG_REG_REG        22
#define OP_SLR_REG_REG_REG        23
#define OP_RL_REG_REG_REG         24
#define OP_RR_REG_REG_REG         25
#define OP_AND_REG_REG_REG        26
#define OP_NOT_REG_REG_REG        27
#define OP_OR_REG_REG_REG         28
#define OP_EXOR_REG_REG_REG       29
#define NA                        -1
#define EMPTY                       -2
#define STACK_UNDERFLOW             -3

#define STACK_OPCODE                0
#define STACK_OP1                   1
#define STACK_OP2                   2
#define STACK_OP3                   3

#define MAX_COND                    3
#define CONST_MAX                   32

int stack [STACKS_MAX][MAX_NODES];
int stack2 [MAX_NODES];
int stack_ptr [STACKS_MAX];
int queue_ptr [STACKS_MAX];
int stack_ptr2 = 0;

void init_stack (void) {
    int i;
    for (i = 0;  i < STACKS_MAX;  i++) {
        stack_ptr [i] = 0;

void queue_init (void) {
    int i;
    for (i = 0;  i < STACKS_MAX;  i++) {
        queue_ptr [i] = 0;

void push (int stck, int v) {
    if (stack_ptr[stck] < (MAX_NODES-1)) {
        stack [stck][stack_ptr [stck]] = v;
        stack_ptr [stck]++;

int pop (int stck) {
    if (stack_ptr [stck] > 0) {
        stack_ptr [stck]--;
        return stack [stck][stack_ptr [stck]];
        return STACK_UNDERFLOW;

int getstckptr (int stck) {
    return stack_ptr [stck];

int get (int stck) {
    if (queue_ptr [stck] < stack_ptr [stck]) {
        return stack [stck][queue_ptr [stck]++];
    else return EMPTY;
void unget (int stck) {
    if (queue_ptr [stck] > 0)
        queue_ptr [stck]--;

void push2 (int v) {
    if (stack_ptr2 < (MAX_NODES-1)) {
        stack2 [stack_ptr2] = v;

int pop2 (void) {
    if (stack_ptr2 > 0) {
        return stack2 [stack_ptr2];

int regmax = 0;

 * reg ::= op reg reg reg | op reg reg const | op const
 * cond ::= op_cmp reg const addr1 addr2

void init () {
    int i = 0;
    int cond_count = MAX_COND;
    int cond_least = 0;
    int op;
    int imax = (rand () % 6) + 5;
    int lastreg;
    int r;

    push (STACK_OPCODE, OP_ASSIGNMENT_REG_CONST);           // Assignment at begin
    push (STACK_OP1, 0);                                    // Register R0 ()
    push (STACK_OP2, rand () % CONST_MAX);                  // Const
    push (STACK_OP3, NA);                                   // Operand 3, assignment, not given

    for (i = 1;  i < imax;  i++) {
        op = rand () % (OP_EXOR_REG_REG_REG+1);
        if ((op <= OP_CMP_LE_REG_CONST) \&amp;\&amp; (cond_least == 0)) {
            if (cond_count > 0) {
                lastreg = pop (STACK_OP1);
                push (STACK_OP1, lastreg);
                push (STACK_OPCODE, op);
                push (STACK_OP1, lastreg);
                push (STACK_OP2, rand () % CONST_MAX);
                push (STACK_OP3, NA );
                cond_least = 2;
                if ((i + cond_least) > imax) {
                    imax += cond_least;
                push2 (i);
            else {
        else if (op > OP_CMP_LE_REG_CONST){
                if (cond_least != 0)
                lastreg = pop (STACK_OP1);
                push (STACK_OP1, lastreg);
                push (STACK_OPCODE, op);
                push (STACK_OP1, lastreg+1);
                push (STACK_OP2, lastreg);
                if ((op >= OP_ADD_REG_REG_REG) \&amp;\&amp; (op <= OP_EXOR_REG_REG_REG)) {
                    r = (rand () % (lastreg+1))-1;
                    if (r < 0)
                        r = 0;
                    push (STACK_OP3, r);
                    push (STACK_OP3, rand () % CONST_MAX);
    push (STACK_OP1, EMPTY);
    push (STACK_OP2, EMPTY);
    push (STACK_OP3, EMPTY);

void test_output (void) {
    int p, o1, o2, o3;

    while ((p = get (STACK_OPCODE)) != EMPTY) {
        if ((p >= OP_CMP_EQ_REG_CONST) \&amp;\&amp; (p <= OP_CMP_LE_REG_CONST)) {
            printf ("R%i %s %in", get (STACK_OP1), op_names [p], get(STACK_OP2));
            get (STACK_OP3);
        else if (p == OP_ASSIGNMENT_REG_CONST) {
            printf ("R%i %s %in", get (STACK_OP1), op_names [p], get(STACK_OP2));
            get (STACK_OP3);
        else {
            if ((p == OP_INC_REG_REG_CONST) || (p == OP_INC_REG_REG_REG) || (p == OP_DEC_REG_REG_CONST) || (p == OP_DEC_REG_REG_REG)) {
                printf ("R%i %s R%i %sn", get (STACK_OP1), op_names [OP_ASSIGNMENT_REG_CONST], get (STACK_OP2), op_names [p]);
                get (STACK_OP3);
            else if ((p >= OP_ADD_REG_REG_CONST) \&amp;\&amp; (p <= OP_EXOR_REG_REG_CONST))
                printf ("R%i %s R%i %s %in", get (STACK_OP1), op_names [OP_ASSIGNMENT_REG_CONST], get (STACK_OP2), op_names [p],  get (STACK_OP3));
                printf ("R%i %s R%i %s R%in", get (STACK_OP1), op_names [OP_ASSIGNMENT_REG_CONST], get (STACK_OP2), op_names [p],  get (STACK_OP3));

int expr (int z, int zs, int dir) {
    int p = get (STACK_OPCODE);
    if (dir == NO) {
    else if (dir == WEST) {
    else if (dir == EAST) {
            printf ("R%i %s %i", get (STACK_OP1), op_names [p], get(STACK_OP2));
            get (STACK_OP3);
    else if ((p == OP_INC_REG_REG_CONST) || (p == OP_INC_REG_REG_REG) || (p == OP_DEC_REG_REG_CONST) || (p == OP_DEC_REG_REG_REG)) {
        printf ("R%i %s R%i %s", get (STACK_OP1), op_names [OP_ASSIGNMENT_REG_CONST], get (STACK_OP2), op_names [p]);
        get (STACK_OP3);
    else if ((p >= OP_ADD_REG_REG_CONST) \&amp;\&amp; (p <= OP_EXOR_REG_REG_CONST))
        printf ("R%i %s R%i %s %i", get (STACK_OP1), op_names [OP_ASSIGNMENT_REG_CONST], get (STACK_OP2), op_names [p],  get (STACK_OP3));
    else {
        printf ("R%i %s R%i %s R%i", get (STACK_OP1), op_names [OP_ASSIGNMENT_REG_CONST], get (STACK_OP2), op_names [p],  get (STACK_OP3));

   printf (""};n");
   printf ("\node [above=0mm of z%i, text width=8em] {\$Z_{%i}\$};n", z, z);
   if (z != 1) {
        if (dir == NO) {
            printf ("\draw [->] (z%i) -- (z%i);nn", zs, z);
        else if (dir == WEST) {
            printf ("\draw [->] (z%i.west) -- (z%i);nn", zs, z);
        else if (dir == EAST) {
            printf ("\draw [->] (z%i.east) -- (z%i);nn", zs, z);

return z;

int cond (int z, int zs, int dir) {
    int p = get (STACK_OPCODE);
    if (dir == NO) {
    else if (dir == WEST) {
    else if (dir == EAST) {
    printf ("R%i %s %i", get (STACK_OP1), op_names [p], get(STACK_OP2));
    get (STACK_OP3);
    printf (""};n");
    printf ("\node [above=0mm of z%i, text width=8em] {\$Z_{%i}\$};n", z, z);
    if (z != 1) {
        if (dir == NO) {
            printf ("\draw [->] (z%i) -- (z%i);nn", zs, z);
        else if (dir == WEST) {
            printf ("\draw [->] (z%i.west) -- (z%i);nn", zs, z);
        else if (dir == EAST) {
            printf ("\draw [->] (z%i.east) -- (z%i);nn", zs, z);

    return z;

int as (int z, int zs, int dir, int steps) {
    int ztmp;
    int r, rtmp;
    int stepsr;
    int stepss;

    if (steps > 0) {
        r = get (STACK_OPCODE);
        if ((r >= OP_CMP_EQ_REG_CONST) \&amp;\&amp; (r <= OP_CMP_LE_REG_CONST)){
            unget (STACK_OPCODE);
            z = ztmp = cond (z+1, z, dir);
            stepsr = (rand () % steps)-1;
            stepss = steps - stepsr;
            z = as (z, z, WEST, stepsr);
            z = as (z, ztmp, EAST, stepss);
        else if (r != EMPTY) {
            unget (STACK_OPCODE);
            z = expr (z+1, zs, dir);
            as (z, z, NO, steps-1);
            return STACK_UNDERFLOW;
return z;

int main (void) {
    time_t t;
    int j;
    srand (t = time(NULL));

    init_stack ();
    queue_init ();
    init ();
    //test_output ();

    printf("\usepackage{pgf, tikz}n");
    printf("\usetikzlibrary{shapes, chains, calc, arrows, positioning}nn");

    queue_init ();

    printf("t>=triangle 60,              n");
    printf("tstart chain=going below,    n");
    printf("tnode distance=6mm and 60mm, n");
    printf("tevery join/.style={norm},n");
    printf("base/.style={draw, on chain, on grid, align=center, minimum height=4ex},n");
    printf("zbox/.style={base, rectangle, text width=8em},n");
    printf("ebox/.style={base, diamond, aspect=1.5, text width=10em},n");
    printf("term/.style={zbox, rounded corners},n");
    printf("norm/.style={->, draw},n");
    printf("coord/.style={coordinate, on chain, on grid, node distance=6mm and 25mm}}nn");

    as (0, 0, NO, getstckptr (STACK_OPCODE));

    printf ("\end{tikzpicture}nn");
    printf ("\end{center}nn");

return 0;

Image asm20240128001

Image asm20240128002

usepackage{pgf, tikz}
usetikzlibrary{shapes, chains, calc, arrows, positioning}


	>=triangle 60,
	start chain=going below,
	node distance=6mm and 60mm,
	every join/.style={norm},
base/.style={draw, on chain, on grid, align=center, minimum height=4ex},
zbox/.style={base, rectangle, text width=8em},
ebox/.style={base, diamond, aspect=1.5, text width=10em},
term/.style={zbox, rounded corners},
norm/.style={->, draw},
coord/.style={coordinate, on chain, on grid, node distance=6mm and 25mm}}

node [zbox] (z0) {verb"R0 <- 26 >>  d "};
node [ebox] (z1) {verb"R0 > 9"};
node [above=0mm of z1, text width=8em] {\$Z_{1}\$};
node [zbox, below=of z1.west, yshift=-4em] (z2) {verb"R1 <- R0 + -1"};
node [above=0mm of z2, text width=8em] {\$Z_{2}\$};
draw [->] (z1.west) -- (z2);

node [zbox] (z3) {verb"R2 <- R1 - R14"};
node [above=0mm of z3, text width=8em] {\$Z_{3}\$};
draw [->] (z2) -- (z3);

node [zbox] (z4) {verb"R3 <- R2 not 0"};
node [above=0mm of z4, text width=8em] {\$Z_{4}\$};
draw [->] (z3) -- (z4);

node [ebox] (z5) {verb"R3 > 0"};
node [above=0mm of z5, text width=8em] {\$Z_{5}\$};
draw [->] (z4) -- (z5);

node [zbox, below=of z5.east, yshift=-4em] (z6) {verb"R4 <- R3 + R-1"};
node [above=0mm of z6, text width=8em] {\$Z_{6}\$};
draw [->] (z5.east) -- (z6);

node [zbox] (z7) {verb"R5 <- R4 <| 2"};
node [above=0mm of z7, text width=8em] {\$Z_{7}\$};
draw [->] (z6) -- (z7);

node [zbox] (z8) {verb"R6 <- R5 - R12"};
node [above=0mm of z8, text width=8em] {\$Z_{8}\$};
draw [->] (z7) -- (z8);

node [zbox, below=of z1.east, yshift=-4em] (z3) {verb"R7 <- R6 << 2"};
node [above=0mm of z3, text width=8em] {\$Z_{3}\$};
draw [->] (z1.east) -- (z3);




usepackage{pgf, tikz}
usetikzlibrary{shapes, chains, calc, arrows, positioning}


	>=triangle 60,
	start chain=going below,
	node distance=6mm and 60mm,
	every join/.style={norm},
base/.style={draw, on chain, on grid, align=center, minimum height=4ex},
zbox/.style={base, rectangle, text width=8em},
ebox/.style={base, diamond, aspect=1.5, text width=10em},
term/.style={zbox, rounded corners},
norm/.style={->, draw},
coord/.style={coordinate, on chain, on grid, node distance=6mm and 25mm}}

node [zbox] (z1) {verb"R0 <- 4"};
node [above=0mm of z1, text width=8em] {\$Z_{1}\$};
node [zbox] (z2) {verb"R1 <- R0 --"};
node [above=0mm of z2, text width=8em] {\$Z_{2}\$};
draw [->] (z1) -- (z2);

node [zbox] (z3) {verb"R2 <- R1 --"};
node [above=0mm of z3, text width=8em] {\$Z_{3}\$};
draw [->] (z2) -- (z3);

node [zbox] (z4) {verb"R3 <- R2 - 25"};
node [above=0mm of z4, text width=8em] {\$Z_{4}\$};
draw [->] (z3) -- (z4);

node [zbox] (z5) {verb"R4 <- R3 not 21"};
node [above=0mm of z5, text width=8em] {\$Z_{5}\$};
draw [->] (z4) -- (z5);

node [zbox] (z6) {verb"R5 <- R4 --"};
node [above=0mm of z6, text width=8em] {\$Z_{6}\$};
draw [->] (z5) -- (z6);

node [zbox] (z7) {verb"R6 <- R5 <| 27"};
node [above=0mm of z7, text width=8em] {\$Z_{7}\$};
draw [->] (z6) -- (z7);

node [ebox] (z8) {verb"R6 > 1"};
node [above=0mm of z8, text width=8em] {\$Z_{8}\$};
draw [->] (z7) -- (z8);

node [zbox, below=of z8.east, yshift=-4em] (z9) {verb"R7 <- R6 not 6"};
node [above=0mm of z9, text width=8em] {\$Z_{9}\$};
draw [->] (z8.east) -- (z9);

node [zbox] (z10) {verb"R8 <- R7 << 19"};
node [above=0mm of z10, text width=8em] {\$Z_{10}\$};
draw [->] (z9) -- (z10);




Hier noch mal der C-Code"></URL>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>

#define NO      0
#define WEST    1
#define EAST    2

#define MAX_NODES                   64
#define STACKS_MAX                  4

char *op_names [] = {"==",

#define OP_CMP_EQ_REG_CONST         0
#define OP_CMP_NE_REG_CONST         1
#define OP_CMP_GR_REG_CONST         2
#define OP_CMP_GE_REG_CONST         3
#define OP_CMP_LT_REG_CONST         4
#define OP_CMP_LE_REG_CONST         5
#define OP_ADD_REG_REG_CONST        6
#define OP_INC_REG_REG_CONST        7
#define OP_SUB_REG_REG_CONST        8
#define OP_DEC_REG_REG_CONST        9
#define OP_SLL_REG_REG_CONST        10
#define OP_SLR_REG_REG_CONST        11
#define OP_RL_REG_REG_CONST       12
#define OP_RR_REG_REG_CONST       13
#define OP_AND_REG_REG_CONST      14
#define OP_NOT_REG_REG_CONST      15
#define OP_OR_REG_REG_CONST       16
#define OP_EXOR_REG_REG_CONST     17
#define OP_ADD_REG_REG_REG        18
#define OP_INC_REG_REG_REG        19
#define OP_SUB_REG_REG_REG        20
#define OP_DEC_REG_REG_REG        21
#define OP_SLL_REG_REG_REG        22
#define OP_SLR_REG_REG_REG        23
#define OP_RL_REG_REG_REG         24
#define OP_RR_REG_REG_REG         25
#define OP_AND_REG_REG_REG        26
#define OP_NOT_REG_REG_REG        27
#define OP_OR_REG_REG_REG         28
#define OP_EXOR_REG_REG_REG       29
#define NA                        -1
#define EMPTY                       -2
#define STACK_UNDERFLOW             -3

#define STACK_OPCODE                0
#define STACK_OP1                   1
#define STACK_OP2                   2
#define STACK_OP3                   3

#define MAX_COND                    3
#define CONST_MAX                   32

int stack [STACKS_MAX][MAX_NODES];
int stack2 [MAX_NODES];
int stack_ptr [STACKS_MAX];
int queue_ptr [STACKS_MAX];
int stack_ptr2 = 0;

void init_stack (void) {
    int i;
    for (i = 0;  i < STACKS_MAX;  i++) {
        stack_ptr [i] = 0;

void queue_init (void) {
    int i;
    for (i = 0;  i < STACKS_MAX;  i++) {
        queue_ptr [i] = 0;

void push (int stck, int v) {
    if (stack_ptr[stck] < (MAX_NODES-1)) {
        stack [stck][stack_ptr [stck]] = v;
        stack_ptr [stck]++;

int pop (int stck) {
    if (stack_ptr [stck] > 0) {
        stack_ptr [stck]--;
        return stack [stck][stack_ptr [stck]];
        return STACK_UNDERFLOW;

int getstckptr (int stck) {
    return stack_ptr [stck];

int get (int stck) {
    if (queue_ptr [stck] < stack_ptr [stck]) {
        return stack [stck][queue_ptr [stck]++];
    else return EMPTY;
void unget (int stck) {
    if (queue_ptr [stck] > 0)
        queue_ptr [stck]--;

void push2 (int v) {
    if (stack_ptr2 < (MAX_NODES-1)) {
        stack2 [stack_ptr2] = v;

int pop2 (void) {
    if (stack_ptr2 > 0) {
        return stack2 [stack_ptr2];

int regmax = 0;

 * reg ::= op reg reg reg | op reg reg const | op const
 * cond ::= op_cmp reg const addr1 addr2

void init () {
    int i = 0;
    int cond_count = MAX_COND;
    int cond_least = 0;
    int op;
    int imax = (rand () % 6) + 5;
    int lastreg;
    int r;

    push (STACK_OPCODE, OP_ASSIGNMENT_REG_CONST);           // Assignment at begin
    push (STACK_OP1, 0);                                    // Register R0 ()
    push (STACK_OP2, rand () % CONST_MAX);                  // Const
    push (STACK_OP3, NA);                                   // Operand 3, assignment, not given

    for (i = 1;  i < imax;  i++) {
        op = rand () % (OP_EXOR_REG_REG_REG+1);
        if ((op <= OP_CMP_LE_REG_CONST) \&amp;\&amp; (cond_least == 0)) {
            if (cond_count > 0) {
                lastreg = pop (STACK_OP1);
                push (STACK_OP1, lastreg);
                push (STACK_OPCODE, op);
                push (STACK_OP1, lastreg);
                push (STACK_OP2, rand () % CONST_MAX);
                push (STACK_OP3, NA );
                cond_least = 2;
                if ((i + cond_least) > imax) {
                    imax += cond_least;
                push2 (i);
            else {
        else if (op > OP_CMP_LE_REG_CONST){
                if (cond_least != 0)
                lastreg = pop (STACK_OP1);
                push (STACK_OP1, lastreg);
                push (STACK_OPCODE, op);
                push (STACK_OP1, lastreg+1);
                push (STACK_OP2, lastreg);
                if ((op >= OP_ADD_REG_REG_REG) \&amp;\&amp; (op <= OP_EXOR_REG_REG_REG)) {
                    r = (rand () % (lastreg+1))-1;
                    if (r < 0)
                        r = 0;
                    push (STACK_OP3, r);
                    push (STACK_OP3, rand () % CONST_MAX);
    push (STACK_OP1, EMPTY);
    push (STACK_OP2, EMPTY);
    push (STACK_OP3, EMPTY);

void test_output (void) {
    int p, o1, o2, o3;

    while ((p = get (STACK_OPCODE)) != EMPTY) {
        if ((p >= OP_CMP_EQ_REG_CONST) \&amp;\&amp; (p <= OP_CMP_LE_REG_CONST)) {
            printf ("R%i %s %in", get (STACK_OP1), op_names [p], get(STACK_OP2));
            get (STACK_OP3);
        else if (p == OP_ASSIGNMENT_REG_CONST) {
            printf ("R%i %s %in", get (STACK_OP1), op_names [p], get(STACK_OP2));
            get (STACK_OP3);
        else {
            if ((p == OP_INC_REG_REG_CONST) || (p == OP_INC_REG_REG_REG) || (p == OP_DEC_REG_REG_CONST) || (p == OP_DEC_REG_REG_REG)) {
                printf ("R%i %s R%i %sn", get (STACK_OP1), op_names [OP_ASSIGNMENT_REG_CONST], get (STACK_OP2), op_names [p]);
                get (STACK_OP3);
            else if ((p >= OP_ADD_REG_REG_CONST) \&amp;\&amp; (p <= OP_EXOR_REG_REG_CONST))
                printf ("R%i %s R%i %s %in", get (STACK_OP1), op_names [OP_ASSIGNMENT_REG_CONST], get (STACK_OP2), op_names [p],  get (STACK_OP3));
                printf ("R%i %s R%i %s R%in", get (STACK_OP1), op_names [OP_ASSIGNMENT_REG_CONST], get (STACK_OP2), op_names [p],  get (STACK_OP3));

int expr (int z, int zs, int dir) {
    int p = get (STACK_OPCODE);
    if (dir == NO) {
    else if (dir == WEST) {
    else if (dir == EAST) {
            printf ("R%i %s %i", get (STACK_OP1), op_names [p], get(STACK_OP2));
            get (STACK_OP3);
    else if ((p == OP_INC_REG_REG_CONST) || (p == OP_INC_REG_REG_REG) || (p == OP_DEC_REG_REG_CONST) || (p == OP_DEC_REG_REG_REG)) {
        printf ("R%i %s R%i %s", get (STACK_OP1), op_names [OP_ASSIGNMENT_REG_CONST], get (STACK_OP2), op_names [p]);
        get (STACK_OP3);
    else if ((p >= OP_ADD_REG_REG_CONST) \&amp;\&amp; (p <= OP_EXOR_REG_REG_CONST))
        printf ("R%i %s R%i %s %i", get (STACK_OP1), op_names [OP_ASSIGNMENT_REG_CONST], get (STACK_OP2), op_names [p],  get (STACK_OP3));
    else {
        printf ("R%i %s R%i %s R%i", get (STACK_OP1), op_names [OP_ASSIGNMENT_REG_CONST], get (STACK_OP2), op_names [p],  get (STACK_OP3));

   printf (""};n");
   printf ("\node [above=0mm of z%i, text width=8em] {\$Z_{%i}\$};n", z, z);
   if (z != 1) {
        if (dir == NO) {
            printf ("\draw [->] (z%i) -- (z%i);nn", zs, z);
        else if (dir == WEST) {
            printf ("\draw [->] (z%i.west) -- (z%i);nn", zs, z);
        else if (dir == EAST) {
            printf ("\draw [->] (z%i.east) -- (z%i);nn", zs, z);

return z;

int cond (int z, int zs, int dir) {
    int p = get (STACK_OPCODE);
    if (dir == NO) {
    else if (dir == WEST) {
    else if (dir == EAST) {
    printf ("R%i %s %i", get (STACK_OP1), op_names [p], get(STACK_OP2));
    get (STACK_OP3);
    printf (""};n");
    printf ("\node [above=0mm of z%i, text width=8em] {\$Z_{%i}\$};n", z, z);
    if (z != 1) {
        if (dir == NO) {
            printf ("\draw [->] (z%i) -- (z%i);nn", zs, z);
        else if (dir == WEST) {
            printf ("\draw [->] (z%i.west) -- (z%i);nn", zs, z);
        else if (dir == EAST) {
            printf ("\draw [->] (z%i.east) -- (z%i);nn", zs, z);

    return z;

int as (int z, int zs, int dir, int steps) {
    int ztmp;
    int r, rtmp;
    int stepsr;
    int stepss;

    if (steps > 0) {
        r = get (STACK_OPCODE);
        if ((r >= OP_CMP_EQ_REG_CONST) \&amp;\&amp; (r <= OP_CMP_LE_REG_CONST)){
            unget (STACK_OPCODE);
            z = ztmp = cond (z+1, z, dir);
            stepsr = (rand () % steps)-1;
            stepss = steps - stepsr;
            z = as (z, z, WEST, stepsr);
            z = as (z, ztmp, EAST, stepss);
        else if (r != EMPTY) {
            unget (STACK_OPCODE);
            z = expr (z+1, zs, dir);
            as (z, z, NO, steps-1);
            return STACK_UNDERFLOW;
return z;

int main (void) {
    time_t t;
    int j;
    srand (t = time(NULL));

    init_stack ();
    queue_init ();
    init ();
    //test_output ();

    printf("\usepackage{pgf, tikz}n");
    printf("\usetikzlibrary{shapes, chains, calc, arrows, positioning}nn");

    queue_init ();

    printf("t>=triangle 60,              n");
    printf("tstart chain=going below,    n");
    printf("tnode distance=6mm and 60mm, n");
    printf("tevery join/.style={norm},n");
    printf("base/.style={draw, on chain, on grid, align=center, minimum height=4ex},n");
    printf("zbox/.style={base, rectangle, text width=8em},n");
    printf("ebox/.style={base, diamond, aspect=1.5, text width=10em},n");
    printf("term/.style={zbox, rounded corners},n");
    printf("norm/.style={->, draw},n");
    printf("coord/.style={coordinate, on chain, on grid, node distance=6mm and 25mm}}nn");

    as (0, 0, NO, getstckptr (STACK_OPCODE));

    printf ("\end{tikzpicture}nn");
    printf ("\end{center}nn");

return 0;